Anthony Magen

Repressed Memories – USuck

(no audio, text following)

The sound of internal peristalsis combined with the memory. A sluice of physical actions and emotions rolls into and out of consciousness with this sound of sucking on an oceanic scale. No amount of hard wall can hold back the ocean’s ebb and flow. You can suck as much as you want but it will be wet in here…Recorded at Blackwood River Estuary, Australia, in 2009 — at a foolish land reclamation project on a sand bank, online at -34.324466, 115.170101 .

Czech Translation

Potlačené vzpomínky – TyCucas

Zvuk zažívacích svalů spojený se vzpomínkou. Stavidlo fyzických akcí a emocí přelévajících se ve vědomí tímto zvukem oceánického sání. Žádná stěna není tak silná, aby zadržela příliv i odliv. Ať cucáš jak cucáš, bude tam mokro…Nahráno v ústí řeky “Blackwood” v Austrálii, v roce 2009 během pošetilého rekultivačního projektu na písčine. Online –34.324466, 115.170101

Biografie / Biography

Anthony Magen is a practising landscape architect working in the Melbourne acoustic ecology. He is the current president of the Australian Forum for Acoustic Ecology which informs and directs his relationship within the landscape. He has been exploring issues relating to Landscape through teaching landscape architecture design studios at RMIT and through artistic expressions in a variety of forms and modes, from facilitating Soundwalks across Australia, to performing in bands such as Helmethead and the nascent instrument building architecture of the Vessel Project. The variety of processes and mediums he uses is a reflection of the diverse topography which often manifests in site-specific work and creation of temporary intimate zones.

Anthony Magen je krajinný architekt a současný prezident Australského fóra zvukové ekologie se sídlem v Melbourne.

2 Responses to “Anthony Magen”

  1. full and fragmented or fully fragmented, fully intriguing

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